No More Struggles in Noise

If you have normal hearing but struggle to listen in noisy places and cannot participate in conversations when there is an excess of noise, we have solutions for you! Low-Gain Hearing Aid technology acts as a way to dampen ambient noise so you can actively participate in conversations no matter w...

Listening, Literacy & Language Disorders

Speech, language, literacy and overall communication stem from the fact that we can listen and then process information easily and readily.  Our ears are the gateway to the brain for listening and perceiving sound, but what the brain actually DOES with that sound determines how well we can follow...

Sensitive Ears, Hyperacusis, Misophonia

The world is a noisy place, and for some of us, it is overwhelming to the point of causing physical pain or can trigger anger, rage and outbursts that cannot be controlled.  Hyperacusis is the actual feeling of physical pain and discomfort from loud noise and sound.  Misophonia is an even bigger ...


Learning is a life-long process.  Ensuring optimum communication skills paired with self-regulation, sensory skills, literacy and language HearSay can connect the dots for you and your family in order to ensure academic and work-place success.


Our qualified staff offer services across all areas of communication disorders including articulation, language, voice, stuttering, motor speech and disorders associated with exceptionalities and developmental delays.


Listening skills go beyond a peripheral hearing test and the anatomical structures of the ear.  Listening involves the ability of the brain to actually process what was heard, comprehend and act on spoken language.  There are many elements to listening, all of which we can guide you on.